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Lua 5.2's _ENV functionality naturally expedites some fun syntax tricks;
partly for a side project, and partly for the fun of it, I wrote a
module that creates an _ENV object with a metatable to synthesize
HTML-wrapping functions. Thus,

local _ENV = require"htmlua".new()
return html {
    body {
        div {
            class = "class",
            p "Hello"

would yield "<html><body><div

So then, for more fun, I had it generate callable tables instead of raw
functions. As tables, the HTML-wrappers can be further indexed to get
more-specific, class-tagged versions to fit a little more nicely with
today's CSS frameworks:

return html {
    body {
        div.class {
            p "Hello"

yields "<html><body><div class=" class"><p>Hello</p></div><div class="
two classes"></div></body></html>"

Implementaion code at
