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Greetings C++ users:

I'm currently working on the next major version of LuaBridge, which
will become version 2.0. You can preview these code changes in the
"develop" branch of the official repository:

A major new feature is the addition of support to access Lua values
from C++, with code contributions from Nigel Atkinson. Based on
feedback I've also rewritten the documentation to HTML format
including a proper table of contents.

This is a preliminary draft of the documentation which describes the
new features (Section 4):

(I've borrowed heavily from the styling of the Lua Reference Manual,
and updated it to validate as HTML 5).

If there are any LuaBridge users interested in providing feedback
during the development stage of version 2.0, I would love to hear any
comments, criticisms, and especially bug reports or feature requests.
The code and documentation in the "develop" branch should be
considered alpha although the interfaces are not likely to change.
Comments and criticisms can go to the list (if relevant) or my
personal email. Bug reports and feature requests can be reported using
Github issues (best), or the communication channels mentioned


What is LuaBridge?

LuaBridge is a lightweight, dependency-free library for making C++
data, functions, and classes available to Lua. LuaBridge has been
tested and works with Lua revisions starting from 5.1.5., although it
should work in any version of Lua from 5.1.0 and later.

LuaBridge offers the following features:

- No Makefile, no .cpp files, just include one header !
- Simple, light, and nothing else needed (like Boost).
- No macros, settings, or configuration scripts needed.
- Supports different object lifetime management models.
- Convenient, type-safe access to the Lua stack.
- Automatic function parameter type binding.
- Easy access to Lua objects like tables and functions.
- Written in a clear and easy to debug style.
- Does not require C++11.

Official Repository:

Vinnie Falco <>


Follow me on Github: