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Jay Carlson wrote:
> If it's somebody else's code, you can leave out the -Wall, at least
> until you're debugging it. Fixing compiler warnings seems to be the best
> return on investment for troubleshooting.

There are some warnings it's worth upgrading to errors --- for gcc, we use:

        -Wall \
        -Wextra \
        -Werror=implicit \
        -Werror=format \
        -Werror=pointer-sign \
        -Werror=return-type \
        -Werror=sequence-point \
        -Werror=uninitialized \
        -Werror=init-self \

The big important one is -Werror=implicit, which upgrades the C implicit
function declaration warning to an error. The C spec is utterly rigid
about what errors you're allowed to emit by default, and for hysterical
raisins calling a function that hasn't been declared is *not* an error.
This catches typos and produces an error at the actual appropriate point
in the compilation. The other options catch various other common problems.

The full list is here:

Incidentally, the -Werror option on its own upgrades (nearly) *all*
warnings to errors. This can be useful, but never release code with this
enabled! Because the C spec does *not* specify what warnings the
compiler can produce, which means different compilers produce different
warnings, which means that if you treat them as errors you run the risk
of your code failing to compile if your user doesn't use the same
compiler you use...

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
│ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
│ _The Bridge of Birds_

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