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If I do exactly that, then I get what I expect: synth = [[ variable = 20 ]] blabla = [[ var2 = variable*2 ]] env = {} chunk = loadstring(synth) setfenv(chunk,env) chunk() print(env.variable) chunk = loadstring(blabla) setfenv(chunk,env) chunk() print(env.var2) output is 10 20
Yes but the difference is that my code was using files and require the files are: ---------------sc,synthdef.lua variable = 1234 require"blabla" more_things --------------blabla.lua variable2 = variable *3 ------------------------ on the first local f = assert(loadfile(_scscriptsdir.."synthdefsc.lua")) setfenv(f, setmetatable(env, {__index = _G})) f() I get the complain victor