On 2 January 2013 13:17, Erik Hougaard wrote:
On 02-01-2013 13:07, Michal Kottman wrote:
Well, if anyone finds an encryption library as an
alternative to PolarSSL which is not GPL licensed, I would
be more than willing to re-license the whole code as MIT/X11.
Opinions are welcome, I am willing to re-license it.
IANAL, but right now I am forced to use GPL (as I
understand it).
Please read this:
I fail at point 2.2 with the inclusion of miniLZO, which is also
GPL licensed, and I know of no exception.
But it seems that a little Google will take you a long way:
Crypto++ seems to be licensed in a very open manner - code is in
public domain, and it contains more algorithms than PolarSSL.
Okay, so ltn12ce v0.2 will drop LZO support (it is not a stream
compressor any way) and replace PolarSSL with Crypto++.