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Am 05.01.2013 um 17:38 schrieb Thijs Schreijer <>:

> pack, change, unpack ?

Yes, I was able to something in this direction.  It works now.


> Marc Balmer <> schreef:
> Is it possible to change the order of parameters in a function taking varargs?  Maybe using the select(n, ...) function?
> This is what I want to do:
> function foo(fmt, ...)
>     -- switch element 1 and 2 of {...}
>    print(string.format('%d %s', ...))
> end
> foo('%s %d', 42, 'balmer')
> (background is doing i18n in Lua, whith messages (= format strings) that can have the order of parameters changed)

Freundliche Grüsse,
micro systems

Marc Balmer

Marc Balmer
micro systems, Wiesendamm 2a, Postfach, 4019 Basel
fon +41 61 383 05 10, fax +41 61 383 05 12,