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Hi Patrick,

> If I use GPL code in a C lua module and then "require" it into a lua script,
> that lua script does not have to be GPL as well correct?

It seems like the answer is "no" based on my reading of GPL FAQ
( and several
questions around it). For some reason I thought that if the library
and the "main" system are distributed separately it would not be a
problem, but there is an answer to that effect in the FAQ: "Yes, this
is a violation, because effectively this makes a larger combined work.
The fact that the user is expected to put the pieces together does not
really change anything."

IANAL and the usual disclaimers apply...


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Patrick <> wrote:
> I really hate licensing discussion. Flame wars have broken out here in the
> past. Could someone help me with this question and then can we let this
> thread die quickly please, I don't want to start trouble....
> If I use GPL code in a C lua module and then "require" it into a lua script,
> that lua script does not have to be GPL as well correct?
> Sorry to ask this-Patrick