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Thanks to Corsix (who has already contributed greatly to this project),
vstruct now supports Lua 5.2. It is now a dual-version library; it will
work under both 5.1 and 5.2, and will automatically detect which
version of Lua you are using when loaded and configure itself
appropriately (using setfenv() and unpack() in 5.1, and _ENV and
table.unpack() in 5.2).

It does not at present use the 5.2 bitop library to speed up operation
in 5.2 mode.

	What is vstruct?

Vstruct is the Versatile Struct Library. Why is it versatile? Because:

  - it is written in pure Lua, and thus has no build process and
    runs anywhere Lua does
  - It supports both Lua 5.1 and 5.2
  - It supports a wide variety of types, including arbitrary-width
    integers (including non-power-of-two widths) and fixed point

For more information, see the README, available at

	Where is it?

You can get this release from Github via this link:

Or download the latest development version:

Or clone the entire repository with git:

  $ git clone git://