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2013/2/11 Richter, Jörg <>:
>> Extending a function beyond its natural domain of definition
>> always sacrifices something.
> sub( str, 0, nil ) can only extend sub( str, >0, nil ) or
> sub ( str, <0, nil ).

Not both. So far I am with you: something must be sacrificed.

> Currently you have:
> (1)  sub( str, i>0, nil )   returns suffix of length=#str-i+1, or the empty string, if i is too big.
> (2)  sub( str, i<0, nil )   returns suffix of length=-i, or str, if i too small.

Look at single bytes in your example "abcd". (Monospace font please.)

Index   -2  -1   0   1   2   3   4   5   6
Value   ''  ''  ''  'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' ''  ''
Alias               -4  -3  -2  -1

For valid indices, str:sub(a,b) is simply the concatenation of the
substrings at the indicated indices. This definition stays continuous
at a=0 if str:sub(0,b)=str:sub(1,b).

This is compatible with the choice made by the Lua designers: All other
negative indices and 0 alias to 1, all other positive indices alias to 4.
Nothing aliases to an index out of the range 1 to 4.

The reason why the formula #str-i+1 does not work for i>=0 is that
str:sub(0,0) is not one byte long.

And the reason why -i does work for i<=0 if you define str:sub(0,-1)
as the empty string, is that the original definition stays continuous
at a=5 if str:sub(5,b)=str:sub(4,b). So your definition requires 0
to alias to 5. That would be interesting (for example, str:sub(-4,0)
would also be the whole string) but it is not the choice made by the
Lua designers.