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I have compiled LUA from the sources under OSX 10.6 and wrap the LUA functions with a C++ class.
On some programs I can use my class without any problems and on some I will get linker errors:

Undefined symbols:
  "_lua_atpanic", referenced from:
  "_luaL_openlibs", referenced from:
  "_luaL_newstate", referenced from:
  "_lua_remove", referenced from:
  "_lua_close", referenced from:
  "_lua_pcallk", referenced from:
  "_lua_tolstring", referenced from:
  "_luaL_loadstring", referenced from:

I have build the LUA lib with the cppdefine LUA_USE_MACOSX but I can not found a problem on my
code, because I compile the different codes in the same way. I have build only a *.a file (static lib)

Can anybody help me or send me a tip?

