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Yes the function is accessible.
On 5 Mar, 2013, at 16:10 , Mark Gabby <mwgabby@gmail.com> wrote:
> Your best bet is to build them from source.
> This is the only Lua glut binding I could find: https://github.com/LuaDist/luaglut
> I don't know if it binds the function you need.
However you either need to compile from source[1] for which you will need a GLUT implementation, compiler (MinGW/MSVC) and CMake. You can however install the binary version using LuaDist[2] bateries for Windows.
Once you have LuaDist batteries on your system unpacked you can the install the luaglut module as follows:
cd [luadist directory]/bin
luadist install luaglut
The luaglut binding is not very clean but the function is accessible as follows
require "luaglut"
print ( glutBitmapCharacter )
function: xxxxxxxx
[1] https://github.com/LuaDist/Repository/wiki/LuaDist:-Manual-Installation
[2] http://luadist.org/