Hey Sean,
Thanx again for the lpeg lesson....to build on this a bit more, what I really have is a tab delimited line where I want to check the given line to see if it matches my given pattern. For example, the line below would pass because of the disease_show/388////
9444f850ff0c10a862b4a6a9c4ab0a74 disease_show disease_show/388//// 4.5
but this line would not
9444f850ff0c10a862b4a6a9c4ab0a74 disease_show disease_show/388/description/// 4.5
What would you recommend the best way to go about this would be? it seems that I need to consume all the text/numbers, and tabs prior to the disease_show/388//// element. If the given line does pass the test, I do some additional processing of the line, otherwise I skip it and move onto the next.....