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On 27 March 2013 15:23, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
> What is new in version 0.11?
>   + new syntax for table captures

I quickly scanned over the documentation, and didn't notice how they
have changed.
Are you able to provide an example?

> (The implementation of LPeg became too complex. I spent a long time
> trying to document it so that I could understand it again, but in the
> end I had to give up and accept that I could not maintain it as it
> was.  So, I reimplemented the code generator [the real complicated part]
> almost from scratch.  The new implementation is somewhat larger than the
> old one, because now it first creates an AST for each expression and
> later compiles the AST into opcodes for the virtual machine. But now I
> can understand the optimizations.)

Damn, maybe for the best though :)

Does this leave any opening for my previous feature requests?
 - Yielding
 - Feeding more data (e.g. provide a callback for when lpeg reaches
the end of input)

I assume this means that the lpeg-jit has little hope of completion
now? (I'm so sad no one picked that up)

Thanks Roberto!