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Wow thanks for that awesome work. I'll have to digest it and see which approach is best for my particular case. But having the approaches, and micro benchmarks, on the list is a great resource.

Sent from my new BlackBerry Z10

From: Philipp Janda
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:16 PM
Reply To: Lua mailing list
Subject: Re: Fast C string comparison?

Am 27.03.2013 22:54 schröbte Philipp Janda:
> [...]
> There are some options (with varying degrees of speed and safety)
> mentioned in this[1] thread.
> [1]:
> Another possibility (that I think isn't mentioned in the above thread,
> but I only took a brief look) could be to put all your string constants
> into upvalues and use the Lua API (lua_upvalueindex,
> lua_compare/lua_rawequal) to compare those upvalues to the argument
> strings on the stack.
> But then again, libc implementers and compiler writers have had some
> time to optimize strcmp.

Time for some micro-benchmarks ...
I've tested 6 possible implementations:

sample1: using memcmp
size_t len = 0;
char const* s = lua_tolstring( L, 1, &len );
#define KEY "mymethod"
if( len == sizeof( KEY )-1 && !memcmp( s, KEY, sizeof( KEY )-1 ) ) )
#undef KEY
/* ... */;
else if( ... ) ...

sample2: using strcmp
char const* s = lua_tostring( L, 1 );
if( !strcmp( s, "mymethod" ) )
/* ... */;
else if( ... ) ...

sample3: using ragel to get a compiled state machine (see linked thread)
size_t len = 0;
char const* s = lua_tolstring( L, 1, &len );
switch( str2id( s, len ) ) {
/* ... */;
case ...

sample4: using lua_rawequal and lua_upvalueindex
if( lua_rawequal( L, 1, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) ) )
/* ... */;
else if( ... ) ...

sample5: using gperf (see linked thread)
switch( str2id( s, len ) ) {
case 0:
/* ... */;
case ...

sample6: lua_upvalueindex, lua_tostring and pointer comparison
char const* s = lua_tostring( L, 1 );
if( s == lua_tostring( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) ) )
/* ... */;
else if( ... ) ...

Some interesting facts before the results:
- sample1 does actually "call" memcmp (using -O3) which was surprising
for me. I suspected inlining and loop unrolling, since two of the three
arguments are compile-time constants
- sample2 uses a special assembler instruction for strcmp
'if( strcmp( s, "mymethod" ) )' basically becomes:
movl $.LC0, %edi # string constant "mymethod"
movl $9, %ecx # length of "mymethod"
movq %rax, %rsi
repz cmpsb
je .L18

And here are the relative timings for
- 10 valid keys (mean length: 6.3)
- 2/3 lookups of valid keys, 1/3 invalid lookups:

time elapsed: 1.15
time elapsed: 2.19
time elapsed: 1.2
time elapsed: 2.58
time elapsed: 1.26
time elapsed: 2.2
