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Am 31.03.2013 10:27, schrieb Kevin Martin:
On 31 Mar 2013, at 09:06, vitaminx wrote:

With this simple one-liner I can reproduce the following arithmetic error:

for var=10,0,-0.1 do print(var) end
Are you sure this is a Lua error? Can you give a language/example where this works as you expected?

Unless using fixed/arbitrary precision, which have their own trade-offs, non-integer numbers in a computer tend to be stored in standard form in base 2. There will be a finite number of digits for both the mantissa and exponent (52 and 11 IIRC for normal Lua).

Try and write 1/10 in standard form in base 2, and you will see the problem.


There is a famous exhausted explanation available at