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I am happy to announce the release of Specl 4,
Behaviour Driven Development for Lua.

This release is a minor update to release 3:

- Now tested against Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and luajit-2.0 on every commit,
  thanks to
- Specs propagate user LUA_PATH settings to specl forks in Specls
  own specifications.
- Pending specifications are now fully implemented and documented.
- Unexpected passing of pending specifications is reported by progress
  and report formatters.
- API for custom formatters is richer and clearer.

Install it as luarock specl-4 (see )

Most simply:

  luarocks install specl

(You may need to wait a while after this announcement lands before the
rocks are available.)

Specl's home page is at