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"gåtill" means goto, literally gå = go and till = to.

A bit strange that the example uses a swedish language with english names. It should really be:

    medan inte_färdigt
      för x:= 1 till 5 gör
        om person^.ålder = 120 så
        om person^.ålder > 130 så
          gåtill personen_borde_var_död;


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sean Conner" <>
> To: "Lua mailing list" <>
> Sent: Saturday, 13 April, 2013 10:22:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Must programming languages be English ?
> It was thus said that the Great Tim Hill once stated:
> > It would be interesting to see how far they got with this
> > bureaucratic
> > madness:
> > 
> > Musical scores use annotations (translation: keywords) typically in
> > italian (Con Brio, Allegro etc.). Are these too to be translated?
> > What
> > about french terms in recipes? Saute? What about ballet terms?
>   For whatever reason, Italy "owns" music, France "owns" food, and
>   for what
> it's worth, the US "owns" computers [1].
>   It's entirely possible for a non-US country to invent a computer
>   language
> [2]  that's not based on English.  Håstad anyone? [3]
> 	(*
> 	    Thanks to wlofie for translating the code
> 	    from Pascal
> 	    into Håstad
> 	*)
> 	medan not_done
> 	börja
> 	  för x:= 1 till 5 gör
> 	  börja
> 	    om person^.age = 120 så
> 	      too_old(person);
> 	    om person^.age > 130 så
> 	      gåtill person_should_be_dead;
> 	  slut;
> 	slut;
> I might not like it, but I could get used to it [4].  But I doubt it
> will be
> popular world wide due to US influence [5].  But hey, if Sweeden has
> as much
> influence these days as the US, then we might be all programming in
> Håstad
> instead of Lua [6].
>   -spc (Bjork bjork bjork!)
> [1]	In a similar way, the only country that makes stamps without the
> 	country name printed on it is England, but that's because they
> 	created the things.  It's not to say that Italy "created" music, but
> 	they probably did the most innovative things that everyone else
> 	wanted, and thus, we ended up with Italian terms for music.
> [2]	Yes, I know not all computer languages are not created in the US.
> [3]	Which I created to make a point:
> [4]	Five years later, and I *think* I reversed engineered that
> "gåtill"
> 	must be "return".  It's the only thing that makes sense in that
> 	context.
> [5]	And the United Kingdom, which "owned" a full quarter of the world
> 	about a hundred years ago.
> [6]	Ha!