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Hi lua-l
i create a thread using __beginthread and in this thread i open the
if( 0 != pUS->script_path[0] ){
pUS->L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(pUS->L); //MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("BP1-2"),DEBUG,NULL); luaL_loadfile(pUS->L,pUS->script_path); //MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("BP1-3"),DEBUG,NULL); lua_pcall(pUS->L,0,0,0); } in this thread i using lua to process the string, and all goes well,
after i allocate a memory block using malloc in thread :
if( NULL != pUS->L
lua_getglobal(pUS->L,"process"); lua_pushstring(pUS->L,rhd.pdata); lua_pcall(pUS->L,1,1,0); memset(rhd.pdata,0,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); strcpy(rrhd.pdata,lua_tostring(pUS->L,-1)); rrhd.ori_len = strlen(rrhd.pdata); } pUS->prhd[pUS->rhd_rear].ori_len = rrhd.ori_len; pUS->prhd[pUS->rhd_rear].pdata = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*rrhd.ori_len); memcpy(pUS->prhd[pUS->rhd_rear].pdata ,rrhd.pdata,sizeof(char)*rrhd.ori_len); pUS->rhd_rear = (pUS->rhd_rear+1)%1000; the lua_close crash down the app( power off kind)...
I send a email previous about the luaM_freearray causing the problem and
now , i found that is lua_close. It cloud not
close successfully. If i commented the allocate code , lua_close