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Hi, lists. 

I'd like to share pure-lua implementation of Amazon Web Service REST API (

its heavily inspired by aws-sdk-js (, which defines AWS service with JS data structure and build API code on the fly.
I think it is quite good feature for keeping library up to date, so lua-aws aim to reproduce it.

because only 2days from start writing this, now it is just proof of concept, only EC2 API should work (almost not tested)

but I could not find lua project which aim to support at least fullset of EC2 APIs[1], 

so I hope this will help someone who wants to use EC2 with lua, seriously. (only me? I knew it :<)

[1] I could find someone can dispatch DescribeSecurityGroups API of EC2 from Yamaha router (

Takehiro Iyatomi(弥富 豪宏)