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Am 26.06.2013 17:06 schrieb "Daniel Barna" <>:
> Hi, I have a function which return a list of variables:
> function some_function()
>   return a,b,c,d;
> end
> I would like to write this to a file, using a whitespace as the separator, something like this:
> some_file:write(some_function());
> How can I do this?
> Thank you
> Daniel

How about this:

function concat(sep,...)

local t = {}

for i=1,select('#',...) do

t[i] = tostring(select(i,...))


return table.concat(t,sep)


function test() return 1,nil,2,nil,nil end

print(concat(", ",test()))


1, nil, 2, nil, nil

As pointed out before by Thijs Schreijer, wrapping arguments into tables causes trouble when nil values are around. Besides, nonstring values can also be problematic with concat. I am not sure, but the code I wrote should handle both cases correctly.
