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Luís Caruso <> [2013-07-19 16:18:09]:

> I found this libraries and form Peter Stetiar very
> used by many projects, but they are not available as binaries. (I try to
> search very hard).

Well, providing precompiled binary packages for the Linux is not a standard
way for their distribution, for many reasons. On Linux you usually either use
packages provided by your Linux distribution(thus you don't need anything like
LuaForWindows) or compile them yourself. For the latter there're LuaRock and
LuaDist projects which might help you getting the binaries you're looking for.

> I thought that if there is a place where this kind of library is used is by
> the Lua community, so I'm asking to you, if anybody have used them and how
> should I proceed to get it running in my machine.

For the next planned release there's a small Readme file which might help you
little bit

Good luck.

-- ynezz