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> liam mail <liam.list <at>> wrote:
> The account originally started as  <at> luanews had somewhat of a following yet never really made any tweets. Now after two years, over 1800 tweets and with a following of 840; it has still failed to get people to talk about Lua, The account also failed to gain the interest of the Lua team members who had the opportunity to take over the account at the last Lua Workshop, which to me was a massive disappointment. I now feel it is now time to move on.
> The twitter account also comes with a account in which the link archive has always been public, a account with automates the re-tweets of announcements and a account where a Monday weekly paper of the best Lua stories/releases for the previous week were published.
> Personally I also used Zite, Google Alerts, along with trawling twitter search, looking at github projects etc.
> I have already spoken to a member of this year's organising team who does wish to take it over for the Workshop and I would hope this would be respected.
> So is anybody willing to take the helm or should it just continue with automated tweets?
> --Liam

I have been sending tweets to @LuaLang (and @LondonLua too) about any
Lua related stuff I come accross.
And I also learn a lot from reading at your tweets. Keep it up!
Just wanted to say it :)
