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On 27/10/2013 17.00, Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
> This is already in the errata [1]. (The errata has also a brief
> discussion about "memoization".)
> [1]
This time I checked in advance! :-)

At p.152, 3rd paragraph, the sentence:

"Everything that the module exports, such as functions and constants,
*it defines* inside this table, which works as a namespace."

doesn't sound clear to me. Should it be perhaps:

"Everything that the module exports, such as functions and constants,
*is defined* inside this table, which works as a namespace."



There is an incongruence between the reference manual and p.225, where
the 6th paragraph reads:

"The first argument to io.lines can be a file name or a file handle."

But there is no mention of this feature in the manual [1]. Moreover if I
try this in my 5.2.2 interpreter:

    local fh = assert( "datafile" )
    for line in io.lines( fh ) do
        print( line )

I get the following error:

    bad argument #1 to 'lines' (string expected, got userdata)

This may be the reason why there is a seemingly spurious line in the
listing 22.1 on the next page. In the code the line:

    local f = io.input(arg[1])  -- open input file

seems useless, since `arg[1]` is opened by `io.lines(arg[1], BUFSIZE,
"*L")` in the subsequent for statement and `f` is not used anywhere else.

Am I missing something?

-- Lorenzo


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