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On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Journeyer J. Joh
<> wrote:
> #1. I believe Steve (can I just call him/you Steve?) didn't finish the
> compatibility between orbit and orbiter for jquery library because it's
> impossible. am I right?

I think it's because he never tried seriously ;)

But jokes aside, there are big differences in how these frameworks
operate, and you have put your finger on the major ones.

It's a pity that Orbiter itself was not enough, but it was never
intended to be a web app server, just a way for Lua applications to
use the browser for their GUI requirements.  So there was no thought
given to even rudimentary security and authorization. It could be good
for the important niche role of dinky web server on embedded devices,
if I can find a collaborator who understands these issues.

The JQuery stuff was always experimental - I was playing with the
expressiveness of Lua expressions which could then be converted into
the necessary JavaScript.

As for actually generating pages, there are options. Orbit has both
htmlification and Orbit Pages (this is not a CGI issue BTW); Orbiter
has a safer kind of htmlification with declared tags that works by
converting an XML DOM to text, and or a Rici-Lake style templating
language. (That could easily work with Orbit as well)

Unfortunately, this is crunch time at the lab and I won't be able to
do anything serious with the big O and the little O until December,
when we have the summer shut-down.

steve d.