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Hi Ulrich,

when does Lua error out?
I.e. what s the value of the string b (which seems to be growing) and the value of i?

Am 15.11.2013 13:09, schrieb Ulrich Schmidt:
Hi all.
I detected a strange error in lua5.2.2 and tried 5.2.3 with same result:

I ran the testsuite "lua-5.2.2-tests". In "literals.lua" lua errors out. I investigated the error and wrote this demonstration:

a = "0123456789"
b = ""
ok = true
while ok do
  local i = string.len(b)
  print(i, i-(""..i))
  assert((i-(""..i)) == 0, "string.len() result not int!")
  b = b..a

I am not shure its related to my Pelles-C Compiler. I already disabled all Compiler Optimisation to be save.

Where should i start looking at? Or is it a real bug?
