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On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:00 AM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:
> Am 25.11.2013 14:54 schröbte Javier Guerra Giraldez:
> So LuaJIT's `table.clear` should work fine for its purpose (although it's
> basically an alias for `for k in pairs( t ) do t[ k ] = nil end` anyway).
> The proposed Lua `table.clear` (or `table.wipe`) would be a way to actually
> release the memory owned by a clear table, but what I think would be needed
> more is a `` function that makes array and hash part exactly as
> large as needed for the values currently in the table.

I would recommend "table.compact" for that behavior, as the concept of
compacting free space is well-known.

/s/ Adam