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I took a look and i like the idea. (I dont became familiar with the idea of luarocks) A a amateur programmer, who is coding tiny programs on Windows, here my two cents:

I would like to see a info:

- the module has build files for
-- unix/linux
-- cygwin
-- mingw
-- msvc (batchfile(s) named "build_<modulename>.cmd")

- module result:
-- pure lua code
-- dynamic lib (.so/.dll)
-- static lib

- email adress for bug reports and patches.

I would like to see those informations at lua-toolbox. lets say i pull a module not yet compiled using msvc, i see that and i can mail my self made build-files to the module maintainer.

Ulrich Schmidt.

Am 25.11.2013 16:07, schrieb Pierre Chapuis:
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:37 PM, steve donovan
<> wrote:
enough.  So I hope that Lua Toolbox helps with the community-rating
and discoverability aspects.

And btw, when we can see it in action? Even as a beta for interested

Yes :)

I wouldn't call that "beta" though, let's say it's
a work in progress.