Hi Ulrich,
1. compile the exe with statically linked runtime and
__dllextported library functions.
(your mails sounds like you did this already successfully.)
2. run "mkproxy myexe.exe lua51" to create the lua51.dll and lua51.lib
I did follow this exact process; I also printed the command line for
link.exe and it does include a reference to luaL_argerror:
/export:luaL_argerror=lua.exe.luaL_argerror, so it's properly exported
from lua.exe.
I'm not sure how my situation is different from yours. Do you have
proxy lua51.dll I can test with?
3. optional: compile your modules against the new lua51.lib
I didn't do this step as I need it to work with any modules compiled
against lua51.dll.