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> Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 14:30:01 +0200
> From: Dirk Laurie <>
> Subject: Re: table library changes (was Re: in 5.3?)

> 2013/11/28 John Hind <>:
> > 1. There are currently some fairly large chunks of C code in the
> > standard libraries which are accessible from Lua but not via the C
> > API. The string library is probably the largest culprit here, but
> sort
> > in the table library is (may be) another example.
> Does running `luaL_dostring` not count?

I guess it does, Dirk, but it would feel kind of odd if, to sort a table inside a Lua library you execute some Lua in order to immediately call back to C! A Lua script using such a library would go Lua->C->Lua->C->Lua->C->Lua! And of course the same argument applies to lua_arith, lua_compare and many other API functions that could be done with luaL_dostring.

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