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On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 7:56 PM, Thijs Schreijer <> wrote:
Anyone aware of a working curses binding for Windows?

Um, not a perfect answer to your question, unfortunately, but in case problems with curses would end up major obstacle for you:

- firstly, TextAdept is a Lua-based, MIT-licensed text editor, and quoting from its Installation page[1], "The Windows binary includes a precompiled version of pdcurses", so you could try to have a look at how it does that.


- secondly, there's a very interesting and cross-platform alternative to curses named termbox:; I had great time using its Go port both on Win32 and Linux; unfortunately I can't say much about any Lua bindings; quick googling found this:, but no idea in what state it is.

- finally, I've once created a very very *very* barebones LuaJIT (FFI-based, so "pure LuaJIT", aiming to make it simple and that you can quickly check if it works for you or not) library for "gotoxy + readkey" functionality on Windows, also MIT licensed and available at:

/Mateusz Czapliński.