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David Demelier wrote:
> Hello all,
> I like to preload libraries in my application in package.preload so
> there are not globals and user can still load them individually with
> `require'. However, I'm guessing if it is possible to sandbox the
> require function so it only seeks the host application package.preload
> list instead of all the other ones.
> But users can still modify the package.* variables in its user script
> (even if we add a __newindex or securities like that, it can uses rawset).
> What is your advice on that?


if I would want to provide a require function in a sandbox I would
probably write my own (restricted) require function and only provide
that to the sandbox.

This custom require function could then use a white-list and the
original require function.  You might even deep-copy the returned module
table for each sandbox to avoid the untrusted code replacing functions
in the module table used by trusted code or other sandboxes.

Best regards,

David Kolf