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It was thus said that the Great Thiago L. once stated:
> >>I just realised this could be another case for my old suggestion [1]
> >>about '...' as a suffix operator which means, explicitly, "do not
> >>truncate this list of values". My original suggestion was for function
> >>call arguments, so:
> >>
> >>   func(a()..., b, c)
> >>
> >>...would not truncate the return values of a(), as it normally would.
> >>But another case could be for this case, so:
> >>
> >>  local a, b, c = t[1]...
> >	t = { 'one' , 'two' , 'three' }
> >	local a, b, c = t[1]...
> >
> >   a == 'one', that's fine.
> >
> >   What does b and c equal?
> Whatever ({mt.__index(1)})[2] and ({mt.__index(1)})[3] would be...

  Well, two things:

	1) the syntax is t[1]... (note trailing dots) which is meant to
	   indicate multiple values starting at the given index (from what I
	   understand the proposal to mean).

	2) there is no metatable.

  Another question:

	t = { one = 1 , two = 2 , three = 3 }
	local a,b,c in t['one']...

  What does b and c equal?
