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It was thus said that the Great Axel Kittenberger once stated:
> Thanks for the hint, I copied a FindLua.cmake from there and am working
> from that, seems to work so far.
> - Axel
> BTW: Is there a list of OpenSource projects that depend on Lua and a) are
> not Lua modules / libraries themselves, b) do not copy/paste the whole Lua
> tree in their own source tree like for example TeeWorlds or are a whole Lua
> distribution in themselves :-)

  I don't know about a list, but my blogging engine [1] is open source,
depends upon Lua, and it not a Lua module nor a library (it's an
application).  I do not have the Lua tree in the source directory.  

  And dispite it being open source, as far as I can tell, I'm the only user
of the software.



	I use Lua for configuration, not logic.