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Lua bindings for POSIX (including curses)

I am happy to announce release 32 of luaposix.

luaposix's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 32 (2014-05-30) [stable]

** New features:

 - Support for posix.socketpair call and posix.AF_UNIX constant.

 - Previously undocumented spawn, pipeline, pipeline_iterator, pipeline_slurp,
   euidaccess, timeradd, timercmp and timersub have been moved from the posix
   table, which is reserved for strictly POSIX APIs to the posix.sys subtable.
   The sys submodule automatically loads on first reference, so no need to
   require it manually if you already have the main posix module loaded.

 - posix api documentation is separated into groups for better discovery.

** Bug fixes:

 - Builds correctly on hosts with no IPV6 capability.

 - Small improvements in organisation of generated html docs.

 - posix.openpty doesn't crash.

 - configure now detects Lua correctly with busybox grep.

 - Many fine portability fixes from latest gnulib.

 - Missing docs for accept, bind, connect, getaddrinfo, listen, recv,
   recvfrom, send, sendto, setsockopt, shutdown, socket and socketpair apis
   is now provided.

 - Missng docs for tcdrain, tcflow, tcflush, tcgetattr, tcsendbreak and
   tcsetattr terminal apis are now provided.

 - Docs for apis implemented in Lua are now shown correctly.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install luaposix 32

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the luaposix release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \