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On 5/22/14, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
> Am 22.05.2014 um 19:36 schrieb Marc Balmer <>:
>> I have some Lua modules at, the most important
>> imo being the PostgreSQL client binding.  I would really love to see them
>> supported in this Lua Rocks ecosystem, however, I am no expert in this
>> area and I lack the ressources to do it myself.  I am pre-occupied with
>> writing and maintaing the software.
>> If you'd be willing to create rockspecs and maintain them for some of
>> theses modules, that would be very welcome.  Please contact me offlist if
>> interested.
>> - Marc Blamer
> The most interesting part of this email is that I managed to finally
> misspell my name by myself...
> Of course that should read:
> - Marc Balmer

Marc, sorry, but can't resist:-)

The best advertisement for someone's software project:
* Cannot maintain the package
* Cannot spell my own name :-)
* Word "Blame" is the root of misspelling
