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On 06/12/2014 01:34 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

may i know the pre-requisite knowledge to learning lua and using it as
my primary language?

None in particular beyond reading and writing.
As with any programming you'll have to get used to stop and think carefully *about* your problems and solutions, to understand what you're trying to solve and what exactly your solution consist of, but that is not tied to any particular area of knowledge, just a way of thinking that can be applied everywhere.

i do not have a background in computer science, but, a lot of digging
has led me to believe that i *should* know discrete mathematics and
machine organization, do correct me if i'm wrong.

Not necessary to start. You'll probably learn about these issues on the way: when that knowledge becomes useful you'll acquire it, and what you already know will help make sense of it.

Just find a problem or application that motivates you, and start from there.



Good luck,
