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On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Thomas Jericke <> wrote:
On 06/13/2014 09:07 AM, Ross Bencina wrote:
On 13/06/2014 4:13 PM, Thomas Jericke wrote:
I'll leave it to others to determine whether using string literals in
an interface is ever good style.


Show me a Lua API that doesn't use string literals.

local myLib = require "MyLib" -- Oops a string literal
-- which is syntactic sugar for:
myLib["myFunction"]() -- Oops, another one.

So without sting literals, you cannot use globals, require, access table
elements of type string.

You're intentionally twisting my words.
No that is not my intention. I honestly that Lua builds heavily on string literals.

It's one thing to be able to use a string literal, quite enough to require its use in an interface.
But Lua does require to use strings literals almost everyone. In my example I even forgot one string literal:
require "MyLib" -- is syntactic sugar for

We're not talking about module or function names here, we're talking about constants that are usually integers.


I don't know how you store integer "constants" in Lua but I store them in a global or a table element.

SomeContants = {
    constant1 = 42,
    constant2 = 1773

And then I use it:
Any.Function("hello", SomeConstants.constant1)

And the same could be used in a case statement:

switch SomeInteger
  case SomeConstants.constant1
    print "SomeInteger was 41"
  case SomeConstants.constant2

But of course there is a catch. The switch case table would have to be built up every time
because, SomeConstants is not really constant. So I agree, this is not suitable.

So I see your problem with the problem if you want to switch for a number, but I don't
see a problem with string literals in a Lua interface. Actually as long as I stay in the Lua
worlds I prefer string literals over numbers as long as the number is only used as an enumeration.


This has been illustrated by example, quite nicely. The reference manual suggests it as the primary style, as well. This is from luaL_checkoption:

> This is a useful function for mapping strings to C enums. (The usual convention in Lua libraries is to use strings instead of numbers to select options.)
