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On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:38:53 +0200
Dirk Laurie <> wrote:

> 2014-09-19 21:02 GMT+02:00 Hisham <>:
> > And I _still_ don't see your endorsements there! Come on, sign up and
> > help us out already! :)
> I have signed up, and undertake to endorse modules with
> the following attributes:
> 1. I have actually required them and have been using
> them for some time.
> 2. They worked out of the box with no extra tweaking
> from my side beyond telling the Makefile (if any) where
> to find my Lua headers and libraries.
> 3. The documentation is good enough that I did not
> need to read the source.
> So far I have endorsed four modules, far short of the
> record, which is over 60. But perhaps when the only
> endorsement of a module comes from someone who
> has endorsed over 60 modules, one cannot automatically
> conclude that the module must be pretty good.

Interesting point. I have a graph of endorsements per
module on the "about" page, maybe I should add
endorsements per user as well!

This is also the reason why I chose to show the names
of endorsers. Sometimes an endorsement from a specific
person could be worth more to you than any count.

Now srlua is a different issue. Because Lua Toolbox
pulls its data from Rocks repository, srlua is not
in it (it is not a rock).

I am not sure what to do about it. I could add support
for tools like this at some point but it would make
merging with Moonrocks even harder.

> I'll have to work on the fact that I'm nowhere listed
> as someone who endorsed a module ? neither are certain
> other equally loud denizens of lua-l.

To be clear: I do not endorse modules for other people
based on what I read on lua-l. The only way you can
endorse a module is by signing up.

The names shown on the front page for modules with many
endorsements are random. You can see all the names by
clicking on the module.

Maybe I should also add a page listing all users who
endorsed at least one module so you could go to their
profile and see what they endorsed...

Pierre Chapuis