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For following Lua code:

 local d, e = f()

The byte-code generated looks like:

        1       [1]     GETTABUP        0 0 -1  ; _ENV "f"
        2       [1]     CALL            0 1 3
        3       [1]     RETURN          0 1

And for following:

 local d, e; d, e = f()

We get:

        1       [1]     LOADNIL         0 1
        2       [1]     GETTABUP        2 0 -1  ; _ENV "f"
        3       [1]     CALL            2 1 3
        4       [1]     MOVE            1 3
        5       [1]     MOVE            0 2
        6       [1]     RETURN          0 1

My question is this:

I want to change the code generated for the first case - to capture
the return values from the CALL into temporary registers and then MOVE
them to the locals. I think I need to make changes in localstat()
function in lparser.c but I can't figure out how to do this - would
appreciate any help / tips.

Thanks and Regards
