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On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Choonster TheMage
<> wrote:
> On 25 January 2015 at 08:07, Gordon Madarm <> wrote:
>> Thanks! One follow up question, the documentation uses the
>> httpc:request_pipeline{} syntax, while you use  httpc:request_pipeline().
>> What is the difference between curly brackets and circle brackets here?
>> -G
> The curly braces are just a shortcut for calling a function with a new table
> as its only argument (though functions called with the colon syntax still
> receive the object before the colon as their first argument and the table as
> their second argument). You can also do this with string literals. This is
> explained in more detail in the manual[1].
> This:
> httpc:request_pipeline{ ... }
> Is equivalent to this:
> httpc:request_pipeline({ ... })
> And this:
> local request = { ... }
> httpc:request_pipeline(request)
> [1]

Nitpick, the last one isn't completely equivalent because the table
gets held on the stack instead of discarded as a temporary. :P

/s/ Adam