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> Thanks.  This is a project that I thought just needed to be written so I
> funded it personally :)

Great attitude =).

> To answer your question regarding C-Lua.  Yes.  I considered a C-Lua only
> implementation, but I didn't think the performance
> trade-off vs the additional platforms would be worth it.  That's just me.
> For someone else it might be well worth it.

Sure; I'm just curious if you ran benchmarks and identified Lua as a
bottleneck for your particular use case or if you had significant

> Isn't LuaJIT available for NetBSD? I thought LuaJIT worked on any relatively
> free x86 unix-like.

Not for the kernel. Also, NetBSD is not an OS exclusively for x86.
If you want to take a look in our work on Lua in kernel, here is a
reference [1].


> If you wanted to port it to a C-Lua only architecture you would have to
> re-write the interfaces that LuaJIT FFI creates automatically.  Other than
> that it wouldn't be too hard.  Perhaps we could create a C-Lua only option
> that selected that interface.

It would be great =).

Lourival Vieira Neto