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On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Daurnimator <> wrote:
  - How is it recommended to install luaprompt for different lua
versions side by side?
    i.e. How can I switch between 5.1 and 5.3?
I had to build luarocks from source for the different versions of lua on my system, using the configure options, e.g.:

    ./configure  --lua-version=5.1 --versioned-rocks-dir

will configure the build for lua 5.1 (and luajit), and will sequester the rocks config files under a 5.1 subdirectories. That second one is necessary because when you also do 5.2 and/or 5.3, you don't want the different versions clobbering each other's data. Then you make and install as usual according to the instructions.

  - Why do I need to press Ctrl+C twice to exit?

What OS are you on? For Linux, OS X, and other Unices, use Ctrl+D instead. On Windows, I think it might be Ctrl+Z if you're in cmd or powershell?

  - Could you do rotating tab completion instead of only to the prefix?
    i.e. pr<tab> might complete to 'prompt', but pressing <tab> again
would change to 'print'

Have you ever come across a program that has this behavior? I think I would find it confusing, since in my experience, ambiguous completions are usually either just given the first match it finds, or it prints a list of partial matches, prompting you to type a longer substring to specify which one you meant.

What I have seen is up and down keys to scroll through the list of partial matches. FISH does something like this,[1] though it's for filtering the history list for partial matches of what you've typed in so far, rather than current-context completions.


Brigham Toskin