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Hi Geoff

Can anyone suggest a better naming convention?  I ask because I’ve
written myself a yet-another database-adapter on top of the other
database adapters [2] to make them look the same, and (to my eyes at
least) slightly more pleasant.
I'm not sure if you checked Dado [6] which is also a "yet-another database-adapter on top of" LuaSQL :-) Maybe I'm too used to it, but it seems quite simple to reproduce your constructions:

for first, last in db:select("first, last", "people") do print(first, last) end


for array in db:select("first, last", "people", nil, nil, "n") do print(array[1], array[2]) end


for table in db:select("first, last", "people", nil, nil, "a") do print(table.first, table.last) end

Note that the first nil is usually replaced by a condition-string and the second nil is sometimes used to complement the statement ("group by... order by..."). Dado also offers a variation:

result = db:selectall("first, last", "people")
for i = 1, #result do
   local row = result[i]
   print(row.first, row.last)

The first form is used all the time; the second form almost never, but I think it has its niche; the third form is used mainly in functions that abstract the database access to the rest of the application. I particularly like this kind of function:

function user_data (db, id, mode)
local fields = ", u.number,, u.code, t.description" -- usually this list is bigger local tabs = "user u inner join type t using(id_type)" -- usually there are more joins
   if not mode then
      mode = 'a'
   elseif mode ~= 'a' and mode ~= 'n' then
      fields = mode:gsub ("(%w+)", "u.%1")
      tabs = "user"
      mode = nil
return db:select (fields, tabs, "u.id_user="..sql.quote(id), nil, mode)()

You could use to get all data:

user = user_data (db, id)

Or you could get only what you need:

name = user_data (db, id, "name")

This way you don't have to retrieve more data than needed...


[1] lsqlite3[3]. luapqsql[4] and luasql[5] offer primitives that allow you to build your own iterators