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2015-06-27 3:22 GMT+02:00 Soni L. <>:
> Lua is a programming language. You should be able to use it to its fullest
> extent from itself.

This is a little like saying: "Mathematics is logical. You should
be able to build it up logically from within itself."

Lua is an extension programming language. It has no notion of a "main"
program: it only works embedded in a host client.

The API contains mainly routines needed when you want to augment
Lua with stuff better done in C, but it also contains the routines needed
for writing a host client.

I'm willing to agree that routines whose first argument is a lua_State*
should be accessible from a standard library. Even this point has not
been conceded by the Lua team: I've several times asked for access
to lua_concat (which respects __concat), always without success.

But routines that do not contain an argument of type lua_State* are
quite obviously intended for the use of the host client only.