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2015-06-28 6:27 GMT+08:00 Ole Krüger <>:
> I have spent the last couple of days writing a C++14 wrapper library for
> another project of mine. There are a couple of wrapper libraries out there,
> but still, I wanted one in my own flavour.
> I'd really love to read your feedback!

Hi, Does this library support Visual Studio 2013? Is there supporting
compiler listed?

btw, the wrap_field/wrap_method need siguature of members, can this be avoid?

e.g. this is your examples:

lua_CFunction to_str   = luwra::wrap_method<Point, std::string(),
lua_CFunction access_x = luwra::wrap_field<Point, double, &Point::x>;

can't be:
lua_CFunction to_str = luwra::wrap_method<&Point::toString>;
lua_CFunction access_x = luwra::wrap_field<&Point::x>;


Xavier Wang.