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It was thus said that the Great Mike Nelson once stated:
> In my heavily hacked personal copy of Lua which I use for 
> experimentation, I go one further: If either operand regardless of type 
> has an .__eq metamethod, a==b returns the result of the appropriate 
> metamethod even if rawequal(a,b) returns true, thus allowing such 
> atrocities as 7==Complex:new(7,0) to return true and a==a (where a is a 
> usertype with a nan-like value) to return false. I'm now working on the 
> C code to have a>b call a's .__lt metamethod if both operands define 
> metamethods, and to have a<=b in the absense of .__le metamethods but 
> the presence of .__lt metamethods be evaluated as (a==b) or (a<b) rather 
> than the current not (b<a).
> The above is strictly for fun and contains no serious proposals, but I 
> have used my hacked copy to experiment with changes suggested on the list.

  How have some of those changes worked out?
