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The following function, when invoked, causes a C stack overflow
in Lua 5.3.

local subsystem_mt = {__index =
      for key,bid in ipairs(spec) do
         print("Checking '""' against '"..key.."'")

It works under 5.1 and 5.2. It also works if "ipairs" is replaced
by "pairs", which is what the application code does now.

Having scrutinized the C source of "ipairs", I know why this
happens: ipairs just goes on until an item is not found, and
that triggers a call to the metamethod, bang.

After that exercise, I can now do what I could not do at first
reading: deduce from the deceptively simple specification
of 'ipairs' that a metamethod for __index should not invoke
'ipairs' on the same table.

Should the manual contain an explicit warning for this gotcha?
I usually say "no" to such suggestions, but having been caught
out this time ...