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It was thus said that the Great Stefano once stated:
> On 4 November 2015 at 04:42, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> >   Why do you still persist with the "contending module" errors?
> Short answer:
> I am working on ULua in my spare time among other projects.
> Moreover I disagree that the added benefit justifies the added complexity.

  After some thought, I think I identified why this project doesn't sit well
with me---it's not curated.  And because it's not curated, you provide a
random collection of Lua modules.  Only it's not random, it *is*
deterministic but some are excluded just because they have a conflicting
module name who's project name sorts alphabetically prior to it (and for my
modules you have it listed under the completely *wrong* name because of how
you are treating module names).

  You wrote:

> Unfortunately, a few rocks are not cooperative with 64 bit environments.
> I would thus be glad if you, rock maintainers, would be so kind as to
> assist by checking that your rocks are doing just fine.

But my modules don't have issues with 64-bit environments (heck, I'm running
on 64-bit Linux, 64-bit OS X and 64-bit SPARC) but they do have an issue
with names.  And to me, I'm reading this as "please conform to my biases to
package management." 

> Long answer:
> Right now the whole package manger stands at around 1K lines.
> And it's the first package manager I wrote, so probably it could be
> 25% smaller if I were to rewrite it.
> Other savings could be done by outsourcing some components (semantic
> versioning) or if Lua standard libraries were more extensive.
> There is no need for a package database, and packages are nicely
> organised in a package_name/package_version structure.
> The metadata for each package is stored in a single short Lua file.
> Nonetheless it supports multiple versions (loading the correct version
> of each required module), multiple os, multiple arch, live updates of
> the whole distribution, rollback in case of failures, updates, dynamic
> libraries pre-loading, executable Lua scripts. It's even fast.
> The feature you are requesting makes things way more complicated.
> This is just a small sample of the difficulties you will encounter,
> the devil is in the details:
> Need to distinguish between of package foo instead of
> of package

  Why?  Not not treat the module name as opaque?  I did that for a project I
started back in 2014
( that I should
probably pick up again.  But anyway, I treated the module name as opaque,
with no structure.  Here's the latest examle of LEM file (which is nothing
more than a ZIP file by the way):

[spc]lucy:~/projects/LEM>./zipf.lua sample.lem 
The Eagle Has Landed
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.base64
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.crc
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 5.1    MODULES/org.conman.env
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 5.1    MODULES/org.conman.errno
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.fsys
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.hash
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.1    MODULES/org.conman.iconv
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 5.1    MODULES/org.conman.math
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.pollset
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.process
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.strcore
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.0.0  MODULES/org.conman.sys
SunOS     sparcv9   LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 5.1    MODULES/org.conman.syslog
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.base64
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.crc
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.0.0  MODULES/org.conman.env
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.0.0  MODULES/org.conman.errno
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.fsys
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.fsys.magic
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.hash
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.1.1  MODULES/org.conman.iconv
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 5.1    MODULES/org.conman.math
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.pollset
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.process
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.strcore
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.2.0  MODULES/org.conman.sys
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1 1.0.2  MODULES/org.conman.syslog
Linux     x86       LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.tcc
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.debug
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.dns.resolv
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.getopt
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.string
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.table
                    LGPL3+       Lua 5.1 5.1        MODULES/org.conman.unix
                    MIT          Lua 5.1 5.1 0.10   MODULES/lpeg
                    MIT          Lua 5.1 5.1 0.10   MODULES/re
Linux     x86       MIT          Lua 5.1 5.1 0.12   MODULES/lpeg
Linux     x86       MIT          Lua 5.2 5.2 0.12   MODULES/lpeg
                    MIT          Lua 5.1 5.2 0.12   MODULES/re
Linux     x86       MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 0.4.work3 MODULES/zlib
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket
Linux     x86       MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket.core
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket.ftp
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket.http
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket.smtp
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 2.0.2  MODULES/socket.url
                    MIT/X11      Lua 5.1 5.1 1.0.1  MODULES/ltn12
                                                    FILES/Miscellaneous Things About Nothing

And to prove it's just a zip file (with a few extensions):

[spc]lucy:~/projects/LEM>unzip -l sample.lem 
Archive:  sample.lem
The Eagle Has Landed
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    25472  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.base64
    13448  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.crc
    12200  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.env
    18688  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.errno
    57032  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.fsys
    24952  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.hash
    17664  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.iconv
    17648  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.math
    77944  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/
    26296  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.pollset
    88256  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.process
    37848  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.strcore
    15392  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.sys
    24312  05-24-14 17:10   MODULES/org.conman.syslog
    14175  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.base64
     8214  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.crc
     7193  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.env
    10690  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.errno
    31885  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.fsys
    15567  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.fsys.magic
    14067  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.hash
    10197  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.iconv
    10816  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.math
    43651  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/
    25248  04-18-14 20:06   MODULES/
    15914  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.pollset
    49607  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.process
    15666  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.strcore
     9763  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.sys
    13303  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.syslog
    21218  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.tcc
     5617  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/
     2500  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/
     3829  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.debug
     2966  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.dns.resolv
     3260  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.getopt
     2464  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.string
     5243  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.table
     2732  06-12-14 22:04   MODULES/org.conman.unix
    40081  05-25-14 15:17   MODULES/lpeg
     6029  05-24-14 00:36   MODULES/re
    40045  05-28-14 15:24   MODULES/lpeg
    40045  05-28-14 15:24   MODULES/lpeg
     6286  05-28-14 15:24   MODULES/re
    19794  05-30-14 21:29   MODULES/zlib
     4451  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket
    55449  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket.core
     9243  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket.ftp
    12330  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket.http
     8074  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket.smtp
     3612  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/
    11036  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/socket.url
     8331  05-28-14 14:52   MODULES/ltn12
   161412  05-09-14 01:24   FILES/APPNOTE.TXT
The ZIP file format
     7651  05-25-14 18:53   FILES/COPYING
     9789  06-07-14 22:13   FILES/README
Much Ado About Nothing
     3946  05-10-99 23:00   FILES/Miscellaneous Things About Nothing
If you this this has significance, think otherwise
 --------                   -------
  1250541                   57 files

  While I could store both luuid's "uuid" and uuid's "uuid" modules in the
same LEM, I don't have a way to specify which one to use.  That *is*
something I would need to work on.  But as it stands, the LEM format can
easily handle different operating systems, different architectures and
different Lua versions (look closely---you'll see I have an LPeg 0.12 module
for Lua 5.1 and for Lua 5.2).   

> Do we really have to follow Java's nested naming route here?

  No.  I could have use, spc.syslog, spc.signal, spc.errno, etc, but
I had the example of Java [1].  It may not be the best, but at least it's
*something*.  One problem with Lua modules is that the name used to load the
module, say, require "uuid", doesn't necessarily match the name of the
project---there are three different UUID modules listed in LuaRocks:

	luuid			provides "uuid"
	uuid			provides "uuid"
	org.conman.uuid		provides "org.conman.uuid"

  At the very least, my "project name" matches the "module" name.
This does make it hard for a package manager to provide the requested "uuid"
module (at least for the first two).  

> Moreover, can I observe that we have a proliferation of incredibly
> small / badly maintained packages offering a quite limited
> functionality? Do we really need a separate rock for each single
> hashing function ?

  The badly maintained I'll let slide, but small?  That's a problem?  And
yes, I wouldn't mind a separate rock for single hashing functions.  Let me
load just what I need.

> And I am curious as to what you propose with respect to jason4lua and
> luajson, two modules who share:
> require 'json'

  I propose to you---what would you do if someone would like to use package
manager to install json4lua?  Or a different example---someone needs
numerical integration and thus, would like to use math-rungekutta but can't,
because it "conflicts" with math-evol.

  Final parting words---if "conflicting modules" is too complex to handle,
then please, remove "org" from your project.  


[1]	The last Java project I worked on was in 1997.  Yes, we do use Java
	extensively at work, but the particular projec I work on uses C/C++
	and Lua.