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Peter Aronoff <> wrote:
> Apologies: I did not understand this at all. If you want my two cents,
> I wouldn't necessarily avoid having a direct link to the tests. All
> I would do is add the first paragraph of your mail to me—without "Not
> exactly.", of course :).

Sigh. I wasn't clear here. I meant adding a note *to a README* which
I still feel would be useful in the tarball. That is, if the tarball has
a URL, people will end up getting that link, one way or another. It still
seems very simple to me to add the content of the test page to a README—and
perhaps add a note saying explicitly at the top that you really do NOT want
everyone reporting test runs back, because of the signal-to-noise issue.

That way, users would know how to run the basic tests (which as you say on
the page should pass for any system on a Lua built without changes), and
they would know that you don't necessarily want reports on the tests, even
if they accidentally end up in my previous situation: the tarball and
nothing else.

Now I absolutely promise not to bug you more about this.

Thanks, Peter
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    Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, The UNIX Time-Sharing System