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On 31 January 2016 at 16:25, Nagaev Boris <> wrote:
> I propose the following solution. Broken / unmaintained rocks and Lua
> packages without a rock are reported to
> Those volunteers who
> has time, convert them into rocks and upload to the LuaRocks server.

No, please, the LuaRocks bug tracker is for reporting bugs in LuaRocks
(the tool itself).

Likewise, is for
reporting issues in the workings of the website (not the

* Report broken rocks to their maintainers.
* Unmaintained rocks are, sadly, unmantained, and are available for
taking over — if someone is willing to take one up, please contact us
at the luarocks-developers mailing list.
* If one considers that a packages without a rock is an issue, one can
report to the issue tracker of that package. If the package authors
are not willing to pack a rock themselves, then the issue remains
open, and maybe some other user of the package who also wants a rock
will pick that issue up and fix it.

-- Hisham